Anonymous Begin Leaking Information Of Suspected ISIS Twitter Accounts

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After Anonymous decided to “declare a war” on ISIS following the horrible attacks in Paris they’re now leaking personal information of suspected extremists . The group said that they would hunt down those related to the attacks and it seems to be their next step.
The activists now claim that they have started to step in their “largest operation” ever by focusing on websites of extremists and social media accounts. They say they have already removed more than five thousands associated Twitter accounts, organizing under #opPARIS and #opISIS.

The groups’ first campaign was after the brutal killings at Charlie Hebdo in January. Since then they continued their cyber attacks and is now reportedly gathering lists of both websites of extremists and Twitter accounts in a bid to take them down.

If the reports are correct the information that could be potentially shared could contain the physical addresses as well as the names of those who are related to the ISIS recruitment in Europe.

In a video posted earlier today Anonymous warned: “Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared, Get prepared.” Now the “hacktivisit” group is moving up a gear and started to use a technique to overload the site’s servers in order to take them down.
We will update you when there will be some new information on this story.