This couple wouldn’t walk down the aisle until they had their dream bodies

Claire Crowthers is 31 years of age and at her heaviest, she weighed 198lbs. She had a job as a midwife and she struggled with her hectic schedule. For this reason, she had to eat junk food and all of her meals were pre-cooked, and before she knew it, her diet had gotten out of control and it eventually got to the point where she couldn’t look at herself in the mirror anymore. When the love of her live proposed to her, she had to say no because she didn’t want to be a “fat bride” walking down the aisle. That was when Claire decided to do something about her weight, once and for all.

couple-transformation1This is Claire before she made the change.


couple-transformation3Claire took it upon herself to join a personal fitness class and she managed to lose over 56lbs in just 10 months. You would have thought that she’d be happy with this and how far she has come, but for Claire, it just wasn’t enough. She started to go to the gym and she had plenty of people to help her along the way. Of course, her boyfriend was helping her out too, by going to the gym himself.

couple-transformation4Shortly after, Claire lost another 28lbs and she worked so hard on a day to day basis. She was a full-figured woman, but now she is fit and confident with a love for life and herself.

couple-transformation5The couple got married in October 2014 and she has said that her husband is both the secret to her success and her weight loss in general. She is so thankful for the love and support he has given her and she is happy with her body again.


couple-transformation7This is Claire on her wedding day with their daughter, Molly.

couple-transformation8She’s also said that she never lets herself get bored, and that she is always out to improve herself.

couple-transformation9We are amazed by her hard work.