Police officer cradles a starving baby, what she does next for him makes it go viral

This police officer found a starving baby who really needed something to keep going. This police officer found the baby and she knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to save his life, and that was when she decided to start breastfeeding him so he could finally stop being hungry. This woman potentially saved this baby’s life and it is kind acts like these that really deserve to be recognised. If she didn’t decide to do this, who know what would have happened to this baby, but either way, it just goes to show that there are good people in the world who are willing to do the right thing.

You need to see this video for yourself because you can tell how attached this baby is to this police officer, because he has probably been longing for a cuddle for quite some time now.

Después que encontraron la bebe abandonada en zona rural de tulua una integrante de la policia le da leche materna .

Posted by Radio Robledo on Monday, January 11, 2016