The Swear Words Coloring Book Is Here And It’s Absolutely Brilliant

Let’s face it, you either love or you hate swearing but personally, we think that it is great. We aren’t saying that dropping the F-bomb 45 times a day is a good thing, unless someone decides to eat the last of the Captain Crunch that is, then it is a completely different story. But either way, a good expletive now and again for the sake of emphasis is bloody great and if you are sharing this then we think that you’ve found the perfect gift for that one person in your family who really does curse their way through the day.

We’d like to thank Sarah Bigwood who is from Pixie Rah Designs for this. Now you may think that colouring books are for kids, but there are plenty of psychologists out there who think that they are great for adults as well. This book is called the “Sweary Words Colouring Book” and there are 20 pages in total, but what do you colour in? Swear words of course! Check it out.

PixieRah Designs / Via

But what is the best thing about this coloring book? All of the outlines are printed on very high quality 160gsm paper and they are all single sided as well. On top of this, it is spiral bound and this means that you can use markers, water colours, vibrant paints and more to really express yourself. It’s perfect for the ladies and the gents, and it really is something special.

PixieRah Designs / Via

This bad boy contains words such as “Bellend” and “Anal”. It also contains words such as “Fuck a Dick” and “Knob Cheese” so there really is something for everyone. One word did get us a little curious and that is “Cockwomble”. We didn’t know what this meant, but apparently it is when someone goes for a little rummage downstairs. If you know what we mean.

PixieRah Designs / Via

If you want to own one of these books then you can go wild with your blasphemous little mitts. It’s only £10.75, which is around $16 and that is a bargain to say the least.

How brilliant.