Thousands Of Mothers Are Sticking Paintbrushes To Their Stomachs. The Reason Why? Genius!

Women across the world are sticking paintbrushes to their stomachs to support those in Africa. This is a movement that is taking the world by storm and when the paintbrushes have been attached to their bellies, they then dip them in paint and draw with them on a canvas.

This is art at its finest and so far thousands of women have done this. Who knows how far this could go, but either way, it is now more important than ever to support women in Africa and other countries who do not have a support network when they become pregnant. Make sure you watch this video for yourself to see what happens next as well as seeing the powerful message that it has to offer. Wow, this is well and truly incredible and it just goes to show that one act really can change the world.
