The Amazing Transformation of an Abandoned Dog

She nearly died when she was found in a pile of trash, but kind people saved her, took care of her – and now she is back to being a beautiful husky. Watch the incredible transformation:

Miley, before her recovery (Photo by Eldad Hagar)

Until last year, Miley, a beautiful husky, was on the verge of death. She was sitting in a pile of garbage, suffering from a severe case of mange. There was no resemblance between her and the dog she once was.

Eldad Hagar, founder of the volunteer organization Hope for Paws, was the one who discovered Miley and rescued her. He approached her with a leash and food and waited an hour with her before taking her to his car. “We wanted this to be a positive experience for her,” he said. “Then she just jumped into my car – she was so ready to be rescued.”

A first step toward a new life (Photo by Eldad Hagar)
Look at her now (Photo by Eldad Hagar)

A year later, Miley is a magnificent husky full of energy. Her incredible transformation was documented step by step, as seen in the organization’s YouTube video. “Dogs appreciate those who save them – they feel it,” said Hagar. “It’s a special bond that is created during the rescue.”

He added, “Many people don’t realize how exhausting it is to be a stray dog. You’re always on alert because you don’t know who might come up behind you, who might attack you, or who might not be kind to you.”

Miley was adopted four months after her rescue, and today she is happy in her new home. “Many people see themselves in these dogs,” Hagar said. “If a person is in a vulnerable place and they look at Miley, they see the transformation and realize there’s hope – things do get better.
